02.07.24 Women in Business Inspirational Gathering
Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 7, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST
Women and Men Welcome - and ENCOURAGED to Attend.
SVC Chamber Members: Included with Membership (No additional charge, registration required)
Walk-in's welcome!
Nonmembers of SVC Chamber: $19
Sponsor Tables:
SVC Chamber Members: $50
Nonmembers of SVC Chamber: $97
Contact Information
SVC Chamber Staff
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The Heart and Soul of Well-being
The Women in Business Council hosts informative, inspirational events on the first Wednesday of even-numbered months at 6pm at the Triton Museum of Art.

Speaker Bio: Jessica Grossmeier, PhD, MPH is an award-winning researcher and the author of Reimagining Workplace Well-being: Fostering a Culture of Purpose, Connection, and Transcendence. She is a leading voice in workplace well-being and was recently recognized as one of the most influential women leaders in health promotion. Her work includes conducting collaborative research, advising, writing, and speaking on topics related to workplace well-being best practices, measurement and evaluation, strategic planning, and value demonstration. She is a frequent speaker at national conferences and serves on several advisory boards devoted to helping employers create a workplace culture that fosters employee well-being.
More info: www.jessicagrossmeier.com/ presskit