Celebrating 2023 Lunar New Year Together

Date and Time
Friday Jan 27, 2023
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM PST
Jan 27th at Ding Ding TV starting from 4 pm (3350 Scott Blvd., Building 54, Santa Clara, CA 95054)
3350 Scott Blvd., Building 54, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Free to attend RSVP to Email: Angela@dingdingtv.com
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You are invited to the “Celebrating 2023 Lunar New Year Together” event. Organized by Ding Ding TV, Silicon Valley Community Media. Co-Organized by Philippine News, Indian Currents, Phu Nu Cali Magazine, National Asian American United, Silicon Valley Central Chamber of Commerce, and many other community partners.
Lunar New Year is now a state holiday in California from 2023. Thanks to California for honoring this most important Asian cultural holiday, we’ll "Celebrate 2023 Lunar New Year Together'. The event includes a Civic Leadership Forum Silicon Valley: “Building Bridges through understanding the Asian culture and heritage”. The event will also feature a multi-culture performance and Asian Food on Jan 27th at Ding Ding TV starting from 4 pm (3350 Scott Blvd., Building 54, Santa Clara, CA 95054)
There will be Chinese, Indian, Pilipino, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean American artists performing. The Hollywood movie star Chelsea T. Zhang will be the moderator for the event. The multicultural Asian buffet will be served,
For sponsorship or partnership, please Email: Angela@dingdingtv.com, or calling Diana Ding at 408-396-2601.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you then