Industry Day w/ San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDT
Register Today!
Contact Information
Autumn Gowan
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Don’t miss an opportunity to learn about San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission’s upcoming rail construction projects totaling $1.2 billion in available contracts! Network with construction companies poised to bid for the 17 projects presented.
The event opens with information of opportunities presented by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission open for bid.
Then there is a networking session where small businesses and contractors can meet the prime construction companies poised to bid for the 17 construction projects presented.
After lunch, small businesses are invited to the Access to Capital panel discussing opportunities from various lenders for contractors.
The event program will also include:
· Overview of the program of projects
· Procurement process training
· Q&A session with agency staff
We hope to see you there!