Walk with the Chamber in the 54th Annual Santa Clara Parade of Champions
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 7, 2023
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Downtown Santa Clara @ Franklin Square
Break out your cowboy boots, bandanas, belts and Stetson hats!
REGISTER HERE: https://members.svcentralchamber.com/form/view/30762
Come join the SVC Chamber team in the Santa Clara Parade of Champions. Our group of board members, ambassadors, and members (like you) will walk together led by a fancy car. Our team will be dressed in a western theme celebrating the American spirit! You can bring a sign or a poster showcasing your company and service to the community.
The parade is the longest running, most inclusive Parade and Festival event in the history of Santa Clara; celebrating our Champions, community and front-line heroes since 1945!
Something for everyone to enjoy + events to share with family & friends
- Community Village Booths
- Food Trucks
- Shopping
- Street Dance