Wednesday Apr 6, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PDT
Walk-in Registrations Welcome.
SVC Chamber Members: Included with Membership (No additional charge, registration required)
Nonmembers of SVC Chamber: $15
Sponsor Tables:
SVC Chamber Members: $50
Nonmembers of SVC Chamber: $97
SVC Chamber Staff
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The Women in Business Leadership Group hosts informative, inspirational events on the first Wednesday of even-numbered months at 6pm at the Triton Museum of Art.
Our April guest speaker will be Doris Pinkering presenting:
The Return to Life – Live
How to re-engage in person after being in a little square box for 2 years.
Join Doris Pickering as she shares great strategies on bringing your best
self forward as we enjoy reconnecting with people face to face.
Doris Pickering is an engaging, energetic and charismatic entrepreneur who brings her sought after public speaking and presentation training programs to ambitious business owners and professionals who are ready to improve their public speaking skills.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Silicon Valley Central Chamber for more information.
3350 Scott Blvd., Building 54, Santa Clara, CA 95054-3124 – (408) 244-8244 –