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Silicon Valley Works Donation

Picture of Silicon Valley Works Donation
Donate to Silicon Valley Works!
The price must be from $0.00 to $1,000.00
If you are growing, or have grown… hiring, or have hired, or just have dreams of future success, workforce development is on the top of your list. Talent acquisition is the most challenging part of doing business in the Valley, with a close second being knowing how to retain the talent. Growing our labor pool through attracting top-talent, big brains, and hard-workers is paramount. Even better is when we aid our home-grown new generation to become the future success stories and top-talent of our region.

Your donation helps fund Silicon Valley Works!

Silicon Valley Works is a non-profit organization 501(c)3.  Donations to Silicon Valley Works may be written off on your organizations' taxes as a charitable tax-deduction.
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